We use many terms that may be new to our readers, so we have provided a list of words and their meanings for reference.

A balanced environment made up of a large variety of animals, plants and minerals. 
Climate emergency 
An immediate need for action to reduce or stop climate change and prevent serious and permanent damage to the environment.
Coding index 
A method of recording data and grouping it into similar themes for analysis. 
Working with another person or group of people to create or work towards something.
A group of people who share a common interest, experience or belief, for example, living in the same place, having the same religious belief or hobby.
Community action research 
Research conducted from within the community itself either by community members or collaboratively with others. It is research that is used in real time, to make any changes needed quickly to keep things on track for success.   
Community power 
The belief that people should have a say in the decisions that affect their lives, and that they are best placed to advise on their needs in relation to the places in which they live, the services they use and any other factors that affect them.
A group of people, countries, companies, etc. who are working together on a particular project or range of projects under one programme.
Generally refers to the formal establishment or creation of something, such as an organization, committee, or governing body. It implies that the necessary elements or components have been put together to form a functioning entity with defined roles, structure, and authority.
The population make up of a community, society or place and the changing number of births, deaths, diseases, etc. over a period of time.
The relation of plants and species to one another and to their environment.
The process of assessing or judging something to determine its value, worth, or effectiveness. It involves analysing and reviewing information or evidence to form an opinion or make an informed decision.
Evidence based 
The knowledge that is used to support a claim that something is working.  Can come from a range of sources; primary – what you collect and secondary – someone else’s research.
A business or organization that has been legally formed as a separate entity, recognized by law as having rights and responsibilities independent from its owners or members. Incorporation typically involves filing legal documents and meeting certain requirements to establish the entity.
The unfair difference between groups of people in society. For example, when some have better health, more wealth, status or opportunities than others.
The systems and services required for a country or an organisation to run smoothly. For example, buildings, transport, water and power supplies. It can mean the support provided for communities e.g. in accessing funds.
To introduce new ideas, methods or ways of doing or thinking about something.
Legally constituted 
Describes an organization, institution, or body that has been formed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. It means that the entity has undergone the necessary legal processes and procedures to come into existence and operate within the framework of the law.
A disease that is spreading and prevalent over a country or the world.
A prolonged period of instability and insecurity, resulting from a series of catastrophic events for example, cost-of-living crisis, pandemic etc. 
Qualitative data 
Data that is non-numerical e.g. diaries, answers to open ended interview questions, filed notes, photos etc. 
Quantitative data 
Data that are represented as numbers, and includes anything that can be counted, measured, or given a numerical value.  
New, different, unique and likely to have a great effect.
A study of a subject, topic or event, to generate knowledge about it, for example: how do people in this community feel about living here?
The social and economic differences between communities or individuals, usually used in relation to their financial situation.
Someone with an interest or concern in a project, programme or service; and who wants it to succeed.
An approach to putting together and implementing a plan that drives towards success and in a way that is good and acceptable. 
A plan that sets out how an organisation gets from A to B when setting out to achieve change or to keep something going.  
A process that maintains and support a social, environmental, or economic element without causing harm or depletion.
Thematic analysis 
A method for identifying and interpreting patterns or common themes across subjective data.
Third sector 
Organizations, groups, and projects, constituted or non-constituted that are not a part of government e.g. charities, social enterprises voluntary and community groups. Any profits tend to be ploughed  back into their work.
A business or organization that has not been legally formed as a separate entity. It typically means that the business is operated by an individual or a group of individuals without the formal establishment of a distinct legal entity.
The internal and external factors which influence an individual community’s ability to live well.
Wellbeing economy 
An economy designed to serve people and the planet, rather than focusing on financial gain. Societal and economic success shifts beyond GDP growth to delivering and improving wellbeing.