Working Together for a Better Wales – maximising the impact of action in communities
19th September 2024 – 10:30 – 15:30
Yr Egin, Carmarthen, SA32 3EQ

It is a tough time for local place-based community groups and organisations, all striving to ensure that people live better and lead more fulfilled lives. More needs to be done with fewer resources and the future funding landscape looks ever increasingly uncertain.
Despite the challenges, Wales is home to a wealth of inspiring initiatives, vibrant communities and strong cross-sector partnerships. The national landscape is dynamic and rapidly evolving, with local networks increasingly coming together to build a shared purpose, exchange experiences and skills, and collectively demonstrate what works—and what doesn’t. It’s an exciting environment, marked by continuous innovation and collaboration.
At our upcoming open meeting, set against the backdrop of exciting projects already planned or underway, we will dive into three key questions:
- Is there anything missing that, if addressed, could better support community and anchor organisations to ensure the impact of their work?
- How can we secure the resources needed?
- Could we achieve more by working together and if so, what should ‘better together’ look like?
Who is it for?
Community groups and organisations; statutory, third and private sector organisations working at all levels with place-based communities. For those with a passion to make a difference through community development.
What can attendees expect?
A stimulating in-person meeting with good presentations and opportunities for discussion that will help to forge and shape the alliances of the future. However, all need to stay the course to get the most out of the day.
Output of the Meeting
A report will be shared, with a follow up, by the organisers, of organisations interested in working more closely together to progress the issues identified in the meeting.
Sign up to the Open Meeting here:
Support with travel costs can be provided for community led organisations.
Please contact:
10:30 Arrival, registration, refreshments
11:00 Welcome and Introduction (Jessie Buchanan TfC)
Chair: Sue Denman
11:15 Better Together – research on perspectives on gaps in the system – Babs Lewis, (BabsLewisConsulting)
11:35 Panel response to Better Together research previously presented
Panel: Sarah Evans, (Cwmpas); Leighton Phillips, (HDUHB); Selwyn Williams, (Cymunedoli); Iwan Thomas, (Community Movement Cymru)
12:30 ——- Lunch and networking ——-
13:15 Parallel thematic sessions
- People power through research – Chair: Michael Woods (Aberystwyth University)
- Community-led Action Research – Jessie Buchanan (TfC)
- Building local capacity through the Community Research Network – Jess Silvester (People’s Economy)
- Data to support place-based action – Chair: Andrew Flynn (Cardiff University)
- Data and asset mapping – Scott Orford (Cardiff University)
- Measuring and building community resilience – Eleri Williams (BCT)
- Building capacity through collaboration and support – Chair: Christala Sophocleous (Swansea University)
- How can HEI led support make a difference? TSRP, a working model – Anna Skeel (SPARK); Dave Horton (SPARK)
- The Transport and Health Integrated Research Network – Amy Nicholass (THINK Project)
14:15 Open session: Reflection, solutions and action
Three discussion groups chaired by Dave Horton, Anna Skeels and Sue Denman
- Key messages of the day
- What can be done to ensure or accelerate impact?
- How can we work together and what resources do we need to ensure progress and change?
15:15 Key points and next steps (Chair: Jessie Buchanan)
- Key points from parallel thematic sessions
- Feedback from open sessions
- Summary of the Open Meeting
15:30 Meeting closes
Further information
For further information and biographies of speakers please view here: Working for a Better Wales meeting